Dog Grooming Services
Grooming in London's diverse canine community, our staff have groomed dogs across various breeds and circumstances. To apply our Approach and provide your pup the best care, Groom Guru offers a range of bespoke services designed to help your pup maintain their overall health and wellbeing at every stage of their life.
Please note that our prices are only guidelines. Given the bespoke nature of our services, all prices will vary from dog to dog. Prices are determined according to your dog's size, condition, and temperament, which we are unable to assess before the appointment, and may change during the grooming itself. As such, please note we reserve the right to amend the price following the groom.
For more information, we recommend you read our Terms of Service prior to making an appointment with us. In making an appointment, you agree to our Terms of Service.
If you have any questions regarding our services or prices, please do not hesitate to contact us here or by emailing us at contact@groomguru.dog. We hope to see you and your pup soon!
Wondering what's your dog's size? Check out our size guide here.

Introduce your puppy to grooming.
For puppies ages 10 weeks - 8 months.
Find out more

We never stop thinking of your pup's wellness.
We want to provide grooming services with the least fuss and highest long-term value for you and your pup, and constantly look for such opportunities.
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